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An Introduction to International Capital Markets
Products, Strategies, Participants
Buch von Andrew M Chisholm
Sprache: Englisch

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Fully revised and updated from the hugely popular first edition, this book is an accessible and convenient one-volume introduction to international capital markets, ideal for those entering or planning to enter investment banking or asset management. As well as serving as an invaluable reference tool for professionals already working in the industry looking to extend their knowledge base it will also benefit all those working in trading, sales and support roles.

Describing how the key products and markets work, who the principle participants are and their overall goals and objectives, Andrew Chisholm provides a thorough overview of the global capital markets. The book covers a wide range of equity, debt, foreign exchange and credit instruments as well as the principal derivative products. In a step-by-step fashion, making extensive use of real world cases and examples, it explains money markets, foreign exchange, bond markets, cash equity markets, equity valuation techniques, swaps, forwards, futures, credit derivatives, options, option risk management and convertible bonds. An extensive glossary also explains concisely many of the 'jargon' expressions used in the financial markets.

Boasting an international focus, examples are drawn from major international markets around the world. It makes extensive use of numerical examples and case studies to help explain a wide range of cash and derivative products used in the capital markets business. It covers both debt and equity products and includes new material on credit products such as collateralized debt obligations and credit derivative structures; equity fundamental analysis, portfolio theory and convertible bonds. Market data has been fully updated from the first edition and recent events such as the 'credit crisis' are discussed.
Fully revised and updated from the hugely popular first edition, this book is an accessible and convenient one-volume introduction to international capital markets, ideal for those entering or planning to enter investment banking or asset management. As well as serving as an invaluable reference tool for professionals already working in the industry looking to extend their knowledge base it will also benefit all those working in trading, sales and support roles.

Describing how the key products and markets work, who the principle participants are and their overall goals and objectives, Andrew Chisholm provides a thorough overview of the global capital markets. The book covers a wide range of equity, debt, foreign exchange and credit instruments as well as the principal derivative products. In a step-by-step fashion, making extensive use of real world cases and examples, it explains money markets, foreign exchange, bond markets, cash equity markets, equity valuation techniques, swaps, forwards, futures, credit derivatives, options, option risk management and convertible bonds. An extensive glossary also explains concisely many of the 'jargon' expressions used in the financial markets.

Boasting an international focus, examples are drawn from major international markets around the world. It makes extensive use of numerical examples and case studies to help explain a wide range of cash and derivative products used in the capital markets business. It covers both debt and equity products and includes new material on credit products such as collateralized debt obligations and credit derivative structures; equity fundamental analysis, portfolio theory and convertible bonds. Market data has been fully updated from the first edition and recent events such as the 'credit crisis' are discussed.
Über den Autor

About the author

ANDREW M. CHISHOLM has designed, developed and taught programmes in derivatives and finance since 1984. In that time he has worked with many of the largest financial institutions around the world, teaching corporate financiers, traders, sales and marketing staff, risk managers, analysts, fund managers, operations and technology professionals. He has worked extensively on seminars at senior management level as well as training programmes designed to introduce new graduate and MBA entrants to the securities industry. He was formerly Head of Professional Development for Europe at JP Morgan and is author of Derivatives Demystified published by John Wiley and Sons in 2004.


1 Introduction: The Market Context

1.1 Capital and the Capital Markets

1.2 The Euromarkets (International Capital Markets)

1.3 Modern Investment Banking

1.4 The Clients of Investment Banks

1.5 About this Book

2 The Money Markets

2.1 Chapter Overview

2.2 Domestic Money Markets

2.3 US Domestic Markets

2.4 The European Central Bank (ECB)

2.5 Sterling Money Markets

2.6 The Bank of Japan

2.7 Systemic Risks and Moral Hazards

2.8 Treasury Bills

2.9 Discounting Treasury Bills

2.10 US Commercial Paper

2.11 Credit Risk on USCP

2.12 Bankers' Acceptances

2.13 The Eurocurrency Markets

[...]ocurrency Loans and Deposits

[...]ocurrency Interest and Day-Count

[...]ocurrency Certificates of Deposit

2.17 CD Yield-to-Maturity

[...]o-Commercial Paper

2.19 Repos and Reverses

2.20 Repo: Case Study

2.21 Other Features of Repos

2.22 Chapter Summary

3 The Foreign Exchange Market

3.1 Chapter Overview

3.2 Market Structure

3.3 FX Dealers and Brokers

3.4 Spot Foreign Exchange Deals

3.5 Sterling and Euro Quotations

3.6 Factors Affecting Spot FX Rates

3.7 Spot FX Trading

3.8 Spot Position Keeping

3.9 FX Risk Control

3.10 Cross-Currency Rates

3.11 Outright Forward FX Rates

3.12 Outright Forward FX Hedge: Case Study

3.13 Forward FX Formula

3.14 FX or Forward Swaps

3.15 FX Swap Two-Way Quotations

3.16 Chapter Summary

4 Major Government Bond Markets

4.1 Chapter Overview

4.2 Introduction to Government Bonds

4.3 Sovereign Risk

4.4 US Government Notes and Bonds

4.5 US Treasury Quotations

4.6 US Treasury Strips

4.7 Bond Pricing

4.8 Pricing Coupon Bonds: Examples

4.9 Detailed Bond Valuation: US Treasury

4.10 Bond Yield

4.11 Reinvestment Assumptions

4.12 Annual and Semi-Annual Bond Yields

4.13 UK Government Bonds

4.14 Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs)

[...]ozone Government Bonds

4.16 Chapter Summary

5 Bond Price Sensitivity

5.1 Chapter Overview

5.2 Bond Market Laws

5.3 Other Factors Affecting Price Sensitivity

5.4 Macaulay's Duration

5.5 Calculating Macaulay's Duration

5.6 Duration of a Zero

5.7 Modified Duration

5.8 Price Value of a Basis Point

5.9 Convexity

5.10 Measuring Convexity

5.11 Convexity Behaviour

5.12 Portfolio Duration

5.13 Dedication

5.14 Immunization

5.15 Duration-Based Hedges

5.16 Convexity Effects on Duration Hedges

5.17 Chapter Summary

6 The Yield Curve

6.1 Chapter Overview

6.2 Real and Nominal Interest Rates

6.3 Compounding Periods

6.4 The Yield Curve Defined

6.5 Theories of Yield Curves

6.6 Zero Coupon or Spot Rates

6.7 Bootstrapping

6.8 Spot Rates and the Par Curve

6.9 Pricing Models Using Spot Rates

6.10 Forward Rates

6.11 Discount Factors

6.12 Chapter Summary

7 Credit Spreads and Securitization

7.1 Chapter Overview

7.2 Basics of Credit Spreads

7.3 The Role of the Ratings Agencies

7.4 Credit Spreads and Default Probabilities

7.5 Credit Default Swaps

7.6 Index Credit Default Swaps

7.7 Basket Default Swaps

7.8 Credit-Linked Notes

7.9 Securitization and CDOs

7.10 Rationale for Securitization

7.11 Synthetic CDOs

7.12 Chapter Summary

8 Equity Markets and Equity Investment

8.1 Chapter Overview

8.2 Comparing Corporate Debt and Equity

8.3 Additional Features of Common Stock

8.4 Hybrid Securities

8.5 Equity Investment Styles

8.6 Efficient Markets

8.7 Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)

8.8 Primary Markets for Common Stock

8.9 Subsequent Common Stock Issues

8.10 Secondary Markets: Major Stock Markets

8.11 Depository Receipts

8.12 Stock Lending

8.13 Portfolio (Basket) Trading

8.14 Chapter Summary

9 Equity Fundamental Analysis

9.1 Chapter Overview

9.2 Principles of Common Stock Valuation

9.3 The Balance Sheet Equation

9.4 The Income Statement

9.5 Earnings Per Share (EPS)

9.6 Dividend Per Share (DPS)

9.7 Ratio Analysis

9.8 Liquidity Ratios

9.9 Profitability Ratios

9.10 Leverage Ratios

9.11 Investor Ratios and Valuation

9.12 Applying Valuation Multiples

9.13 Firm or Enterprise Value Multiples

9.14 Chapter Summary

10 Cash Flow Models in Equity Valuation

10.1 Chapter Overview

10.2 The Basic Dividend Discount Model

10.3 Constant Dividend Growth Models

10.4 The Implied Return on a Share

10.5 Dividend Yield and Dividend Growth

10.6 Price/Earnings Ratio

10.7 Stage Dividend Discount Models

10.8 Two-Stage Model: Example

10.9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

10.10 Beta

10.11 Estimating the Market Risk Premium

10.12 The Equity Risk Premium Controversy

10.13 CAPM and Portfolio Theory

10.14 Free Cash Flow Valuation

10.15 Forecasting Free Cash Flows

10.16 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

10.17 Residual Value

10.18 WACC and Leverage

10.19 Assets Beta Method

10.20 Company Value and Leverage

10.21 Chapter Summary

11 Interest Rate Forwards and Futures

11.1 Chapter Overview

11.2 Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs)

11.3 FRA Application: Case Study

11.4 Borrowing Costs with an FRA Hedge

11.5 FRA Market Quotations

11.6 The Forward Interest Rate

11.7 Financial Futures

11.8 CME Eurodollar Futures

[...]odollar Futures Quotations

11.10 Futures Margining

11.11 Margining Example: EURIBOR Futures on Eurex

11.12 Hedging with Interest Rate Futures: Case Study

11.13 Futures Strips

11.14 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Statistics on Derivatives Markets

12 Bond Futures

12.1 Chapter Overview

12.2 Definitions

12.3 The CBOT 30-Year US Treasury Bonds Futures

12.4 Invoice Amount and Conversion Factors

12.5 Long Gilt and Euro-Bund Futures

12.6 Forward Bond Price

12.7 Carry Cost

12.8 The Implied Repo Rate

12.9 The Cheapest to Deliver (CTD) Bond

12.10 CTD Behaviour

12.11 Hedging with Bond Futures

12.12 Basis Risk

12.13 Hedging Non-CTD Bonds

12.14 Using Futures in Portfolio Management

12.15 Chapter Summary

13 Interest Rate Swaps

13.1 Chapter Overview

13.2 Swap Definitions

13.3 The Basic Interest Rate Swap Illustrated

13.4 Typical Swap Applications

13.5 Interest Rate Swap: Detailed Case Study

13.6 Interest Rate Swap Terms

13.7 Comparative Advantage

13.8 Swap Quotations and Spreads

13.9 Determinants of Swap Spreads

13.10 Hedging Swaps with Treasuries

13.11 Cross-Currency Swaps: Case Study

13.12 Cross-Currency Swap Revaluation

13.13 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Swap Variants

14 Interest Rate Swap Valuation

14.1 Chapter Overview

14.2 Valuing a Swap at Inception

14.3 Valuing the Swap Components

14.4 Swap Revaluation

14.5 Revaluation Between Payment Dates

14.6 The Forward Rate Method

14.7 Forward Rate Method on a Spreadsheet

14.8 Swap Rates and LIBOR Rates

14.9 Pricing a Swap from Futures

14.10 Hedging Interest Rate Risk on Swaps

14.11 Chapter Summary

15 Equity Index Futures and Swaps

15.1 Chapter Overview

15.2 Index Futures

15.3 Margining Procedures

15.4 Final Settlement and Spread Trades

15.5 Hedging with Index Futures: Case Study

15.6 Hedge Efficiency

15.7 Other Uses of Index Futures

15.8 Pricing an Equity Forward Contract

15.9 Index Futures Fair Value

15.10 The Basis

15.11 Index Arbitrage Trade

15.12 Running an Arbitrage Desk

15.13 Features of Index Futures

15.14 Equity Swaps

15.15 Managing the Risks on Equity Swaps

15.16 Structuring Equity Swaps

15.17 Benefits and Applications of Equity Swaps

15.18 Chapter Summary

16 Fundamentals of Options

16.1 Chapter Overview

16.2 Definitions

16.3 Basic Option Trading Strategies

16.4 Long Call: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.5 Short Call: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.6 Long Put: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.7 Short Put: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.8 Summary: Intrinsic and Time Value

16.9 CBOE Stock Options

16.10 CME S&P 500 Index Options

16.11 Stock Options on LIFFE

16.12 FT-SE 100 Index Options

16.13 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Exotic Options

17 Option Valuation Models

17.1 Chapter Overview

17.2 Fundamental Principles: European Options

17.3 Synthetic Forwards and Futures

17.4 American Options and Early Exercise

17.5 Binomial Trees

17.6 Expanding the Tree

17.7 Black-Scholes Model

17.8 Black-Scholes Assumptions

17.9 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Measuring Historic Volatility

18 Option Pricing and Risks

18.1 Chapter Overview

18.2 Intrinsic and Time Value Behaviour

18.3 Volatility Assumption and Option Pricing

18.4 DELTA ("OR ¿)

18.5 Delta Behaviour

18.6 GAMMA ("OR ³)

18.7 Readjusting the Delta Hedge

18.8 Gamma Behaviour

18.9 THETA (?)

18.10 Vega

18.11 Rho (p) and Summary of Greeks

18.12 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Delta and Gamma Hedging

19 Option Strategies

19.1 Chapter Overview

19.2 Hedging with Put Options

19.3 Covered Call Writing

19.4 Collars

19.5 Bull and Bear Spreads

19.6 Other Spread Trades

19.7 Volatility Revisited

19.8 Volatility Trading: Straddles and Strangles

19.9 Current Payoff Profiles

19.10 Profits and Risks on Straddles

19.11 Chapter Summary

20 Additional Option Applications

20.1 Chapter Overview

20.2 OTC and Exchange-traded Currency Options

20.3 Hedging FX Exposures with Options: Case Study

20.4 Pricing Currency Options

20.5 Interest Rate Options

20.6 Exchange-Traded Interest Rate Options

20.7 Caps, Floors, and Collars

20.8 Interest Rate Cap: Case Study

20.9 Pricing Caps and Floors: Black Model

20.10 Swaptions

20.11 Interest Rate Strategies

20.12 Convertible Bonds

20.13 CB Measures of Value

20.14 Conversion Premium and Parity

20.15 Convertible Arbitrage

20.16 Chapter Summary

Glossary of Financial Terms

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009
Fachbereich: Betriebswirtschaft
Genre: Wirtschaft
Rubrik: Recht & Wirtschaft
Medium: Buch
Inhalt: 448 S.
ISBN-13: 9780470758984
ISBN-10: 0470758988
Sprache: Englisch
Herstellernummer: 14575898000
Einband: Gebunden
Autor: Chisholm, Andrew M
Auflage: 2nd edition
Hersteller: Wiley
John Wiley & Sons
Maße: 244 x 168 x 30 mm
Von/Mit: Andrew M Chisholm
Erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2009
Gewicht: 0,896 kg
Artikel-ID: 101633657
Über den Autor

About the author

ANDREW M. CHISHOLM has designed, developed and taught programmes in derivatives and finance since 1984. In that time he has worked with many of the largest financial institutions around the world, teaching corporate financiers, traders, sales and marketing staff, risk managers, analysts, fund managers, operations and technology professionals. He has worked extensively on seminars at senior management level as well as training programmes designed to introduce new graduate and MBA entrants to the securities industry. He was formerly Head of Professional Development for Europe at JP Morgan and is author of Derivatives Demystified published by John Wiley and Sons in 2004.


1 Introduction: The Market Context

1.1 Capital and the Capital Markets

1.2 The Euromarkets (International Capital Markets)

1.3 Modern Investment Banking

1.4 The Clients of Investment Banks

1.5 About this Book

2 The Money Markets

2.1 Chapter Overview

2.2 Domestic Money Markets

2.3 US Domestic Markets

2.4 The European Central Bank (ECB)

2.5 Sterling Money Markets

2.6 The Bank of Japan

2.7 Systemic Risks and Moral Hazards

2.8 Treasury Bills

2.9 Discounting Treasury Bills

2.10 US Commercial Paper

2.11 Credit Risk on USCP

2.12 Bankers' Acceptances

2.13 The Eurocurrency Markets

[...]ocurrency Loans and Deposits

[...]ocurrency Interest and Day-Count

[...]ocurrency Certificates of Deposit

2.17 CD Yield-to-Maturity

[...]o-Commercial Paper

2.19 Repos and Reverses

2.20 Repo: Case Study

2.21 Other Features of Repos

2.22 Chapter Summary

3 The Foreign Exchange Market

3.1 Chapter Overview

3.2 Market Structure

3.3 FX Dealers and Brokers

3.4 Spot Foreign Exchange Deals

3.5 Sterling and Euro Quotations

3.6 Factors Affecting Spot FX Rates

3.7 Spot FX Trading

3.8 Spot Position Keeping

3.9 FX Risk Control

3.10 Cross-Currency Rates

3.11 Outright Forward FX Rates

3.12 Outright Forward FX Hedge: Case Study

3.13 Forward FX Formula

3.14 FX or Forward Swaps

3.15 FX Swap Two-Way Quotations

3.16 Chapter Summary

4 Major Government Bond Markets

4.1 Chapter Overview

4.2 Introduction to Government Bonds

4.3 Sovereign Risk

4.4 US Government Notes and Bonds

4.5 US Treasury Quotations

4.6 US Treasury Strips

4.7 Bond Pricing

4.8 Pricing Coupon Bonds: Examples

4.9 Detailed Bond Valuation: US Treasury

4.10 Bond Yield

4.11 Reinvestment Assumptions

4.12 Annual and Semi-Annual Bond Yields

4.13 UK Government Bonds

4.14 Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs)

[...]ozone Government Bonds

4.16 Chapter Summary

5 Bond Price Sensitivity

5.1 Chapter Overview

5.2 Bond Market Laws

5.3 Other Factors Affecting Price Sensitivity

5.4 Macaulay's Duration

5.5 Calculating Macaulay's Duration

5.6 Duration of a Zero

5.7 Modified Duration

5.8 Price Value of a Basis Point

5.9 Convexity

5.10 Measuring Convexity

5.11 Convexity Behaviour

5.12 Portfolio Duration

5.13 Dedication

5.14 Immunization

5.15 Duration-Based Hedges

5.16 Convexity Effects on Duration Hedges

5.17 Chapter Summary

6 The Yield Curve

6.1 Chapter Overview

6.2 Real and Nominal Interest Rates

6.3 Compounding Periods

6.4 The Yield Curve Defined

6.5 Theories of Yield Curves

6.6 Zero Coupon or Spot Rates

6.7 Bootstrapping

6.8 Spot Rates and the Par Curve

6.9 Pricing Models Using Spot Rates

6.10 Forward Rates

6.11 Discount Factors

6.12 Chapter Summary

7 Credit Spreads and Securitization

7.1 Chapter Overview

7.2 Basics of Credit Spreads

7.3 The Role of the Ratings Agencies

7.4 Credit Spreads and Default Probabilities

7.5 Credit Default Swaps

7.6 Index Credit Default Swaps

7.7 Basket Default Swaps

7.8 Credit-Linked Notes

7.9 Securitization and CDOs

7.10 Rationale for Securitization

7.11 Synthetic CDOs

7.12 Chapter Summary

8 Equity Markets and Equity Investment

8.1 Chapter Overview

8.2 Comparing Corporate Debt and Equity

8.3 Additional Features of Common Stock

8.4 Hybrid Securities

8.5 Equity Investment Styles

8.6 Efficient Markets

8.7 Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)

8.8 Primary Markets for Common Stock

8.9 Subsequent Common Stock Issues

8.10 Secondary Markets: Major Stock Markets

8.11 Depository Receipts

8.12 Stock Lending

8.13 Portfolio (Basket) Trading

8.14 Chapter Summary

9 Equity Fundamental Analysis

9.1 Chapter Overview

9.2 Principles of Common Stock Valuation

9.3 The Balance Sheet Equation

9.4 The Income Statement

9.5 Earnings Per Share (EPS)

9.6 Dividend Per Share (DPS)

9.7 Ratio Analysis

9.8 Liquidity Ratios

9.9 Profitability Ratios

9.10 Leverage Ratios

9.11 Investor Ratios and Valuation

9.12 Applying Valuation Multiples

9.13 Firm or Enterprise Value Multiples

9.14 Chapter Summary

10 Cash Flow Models in Equity Valuation

10.1 Chapter Overview

10.2 The Basic Dividend Discount Model

10.3 Constant Dividend Growth Models

10.4 The Implied Return on a Share

10.5 Dividend Yield and Dividend Growth

10.6 Price/Earnings Ratio

10.7 Stage Dividend Discount Models

10.8 Two-Stage Model: Example

10.9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

10.10 Beta

10.11 Estimating the Market Risk Premium

10.12 The Equity Risk Premium Controversy

10.13 CAPM and Portfolio Theory

10.14 Free Cash Flow Valuation

10.15 Forecasting Free Cash Flows

10.16 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

10.17 Residual Value

10.18 WACC and Leverage

10.19 Assets Beta Method

10.20 Company Value and Leverage

10.21 Chapter Summary

11 Interest Rate Forwards and Futures

11.1 Chapter Overview

11.2 Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs)

11.3 FRA Application: Case Study

11.4 Borrowing Costs with an FRA Hedge

11.5 FRA Market Quotations

11.6 The Forward Interest Rate

11.7 Financial Futures

11.8 CME Eurodollar Futures

[...]odollar Futures Quotations

11.10 Futures Margining

11.11 Margining Example: EURIBOR Futures on Eurex

11.12 Hedging with Interest Rate Futures: Case Study

11.13 Futures Strips

11.14 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Statistics on Derivatives Markets

12 Bond Futures

12.1 Chapter Overview

12.2 Definitions

12.3 The CBOT 30-Year US Treasury Bonds Futures

12.4 Invoice Amount and Conversion Factors

12.5 Long Gilt and Euro-Bund Futures

12.6 Forward Bond Price

12.7 Carry Cost

12.8 The Implied Repo Rate

12.9 The Cheapest to Deliver (CTD) Bond

12.10 CTD Behaviour

12.11 Hedging with Bond Futures

12.12 Basis Risk

12.13 Hedging Non-CTD Bonds

12.14 Using Futures in Portfolio Management

12.15 Chapter Summary

13 Interest Rate Swaps

13.1 Chapter Overview

13.2 Swap Definitions

13.3 The Basic Interest Rate Swap Illustrated

13.4 Typical Swap Applications

13.5 Interest Rate Swap: Detailed Case Study

13.6 Interest Rate Swap Terms

13.7 Comparative Advantage

13.8 Swap Quotations and Spreads

13.9 Determinants of Swap Spreads

13.10 Hedging Swaps with Treasuries

13.11 Cross-Currency Swaps: Case Study

13.12 Cross-Currency Swap Revaluation

13.13 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Swap Variants

14 Interest Rate Swap Valuation

14.1 Chapter Overview

14.2 Valuing a Swap at Inception

14.3 Valuing the Swap Components

14.4 Swap Revaluation

14.5 Revaluation Between Payment Dates

14.6 The Forward Rate Method

14.7 Forward Rate Method on a Spreadsheet

14.8 Swap Rates and LIBOR Rates

14.9 Pricing a Swap from Futures

14.10 Hedging Interest Rate Risk on Swaps

14.11 Chapter Summary

15 Equity Index Futures and Swaps

15.1 Chapter Overview

15.2 Index Futures

15.3 Margining Procedures

15.4 Final Settlement and Spread Trades

15.5 Hedging with Index Futures: Case Study

15.6 Hedge Efficiency

15.7 Other Uses of Index Futures

15.8 Pricing an Equity Forward Contract

15.9 Index Futures Fair Value

15.10 The Basis

15.11 Index Arbitrage Trade

15.12 Running an Arbitrage Desk

15.13 Features of Index Futures

15.14 Equity Swaps

15.15 Managing the Risks on Equity Swaps

15.16 Structuring Equity Swaps

15.17 Benefits and Applications of Equity Swaps

15.18 Chapter Summary

16 Fundamentals of Options

16.1 Chapter Overview

16.2 Definitions

16.3 Basic Option Trading Strategies

16.4 Long Call: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.5 Short Call: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.6 Long Put: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.7 Short Put: Expiry Payoff Profile

16.8 Summary: Intrinsic and Time Value

16.9 CBOE Stock Options

16.10 CME S&P 500 Index Options

16.11 Stock Options on LIFFE

16.12 FT-SE 100 Index Options

16.13 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Exotic Options

17 Option Valuation Models

17.1 Chapter Overview

17.2 Fundamental Principles: European Options

17.3 Synthetic Forwards and Futures

17.4 American Options and Early Exercise

17.5 Binomial Trees

17.6 Expanding the Tree

17.7 Black-Scholes Model

17.8 Black-Scholes Assumptions

17.9 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Measuring Historic Volatility

18 Option Pricing and Risks

18.1 Chapter Overview

18.2 Intrinsic and Time Value Behaviour

18.3 Volatility Assumption and Option Pricing

18.4 DELTA ("OR ¿)

18.5 Delta Behaviour

18.6 GAMMA ("OR ³)

18.7 Readjusting the Delta Hedge

18.8 Gamma Behaviour

18.9 THETA (?)

18.10 Vega

18.11 Rho (p) and Summary of Greeks

18.12 Chapter Summary

Appendix: Delta and Gamma Hedging

19 Option Strategies

19.1 Chapter Overview

19.2 Hedging with Put Options

19.3 Covered Call Writing

19.4 Collars

19.5 Bull and Bear Spreads

19.6 Other Spread Trades

19.7 Volatility Revisited

19.8 Volatility Trading: Straddles and Strangles

19.9 Current Payoff Profiles

19.10 Profits and Risks on Straddles

19.11 Chapter Summary

20 Additional Option Applications

20.1 Chapter Overview

20.2 OTC and Exchange-traded Currency Options

20.3 Hedging FX Exposures with Options: Case Study

20.4 Pricing Currency Options

20.5 Interest Rate Options

20.6 Exchange-Traded Interest Rate Options

20.7 Caps, Floors, and Collars

20.8 Interest Rate Cap: Case Study

20.9 Pricing Caps and Floors: Black Model

20.10 Swaptions

20.11 Interest Rate Strategies

20.12 Convertible Bonds

20.13 CB Measures of Value

20.14 Conversion Premium and Parity

20.15 Convertible Arbitrage

20.16 Chapter Summary

Glossary of Financial Terms

Erscheinungsjahr: 2009
Fachbereich: Betriebswirtschaft
Genre: Wirtschaft
Rubrik: Recht & Wirtschaft
Medium: Buch
Inhalt: 448 S.
ISBN-13: 9780470758984
ISBN-10: 0470758988
Sprache: Englisch
Herstellernummer: 14575898000
Einband: Gebunden
Autor: Chisholm, Andrew M
Auflage: 2nd edition
Hersteller: Wiley
John Wiley & Sons
Maße: 244 x 168 x 30 mm
Von/Mit: Andrew M Chisholm
Erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2009
Gewicht: 0,896 kg
Artikel-ID: 101633657