Wedgewood, P. und S., Bearb.|Hound Dog|Who's knocking at my Door|Blueberry Hill|On the Rebound|The green Door|Whole lotta shakin' goin' on|Rivermead Rock|Shake a Tailfeather|Can't help falling in Love|I hear You knockin'|Three Sheets to the Wind|Total Recall|Everybody needs Somebody to love|Coming Home|House of the rising Sun|La-di-da|Reet petite|Hot-footin'!
Wedgewood, P. und S., Bearb.|Hound Dog|Who's knocking at my Door|Blueberry Hill|On the Rebound|The green Door|Whole lotta shakin' goin' on|Rivermead Rock|Shake a Tailfeather|Can't help falling in Love|I hear You knockin'|Three Sheets to the Wind|Total Recall|Everybody needs Somebody to love|Coming Home|House of the rising Sun|La-di-da|Reet petite|Hot-footin'!